In this program, there are six skills: The first 4 help them to develop and understand their inner core values. And the last to help them to make good decisions with those values and how to say NO to peer pressure
HERE are the details of each skill:
Self-Responsibility – in the story “Victim Victor” finds his power how to take 100% responsibility for our own life and how that gives us ultimate power we get to choose who we want to be what we want to think and how we choose to feel, how we choose to act and what we want to create. It’s a choice.
Integrity – in the story “No one will know Nelson” …. They will learn that integrity is the right thing to do even when no one else is looking. When we live our lives in integrity we can trust ourselves and others can trust us as well which leaves to powerful self-confidence and self-esteem.
Respect – “My mark on others” ….. “Make your mark with the Golden Rule” … Every time we are with someone we leave a “mark” depending on how we treat them. Treating others with respect means following the “Golden Rule”- to treat others the way you want to be treated. When we use manners, and treat others with kindness we leave gold hearts everywhere.
Self-Respect – “My mark on me”- Having self-respect means giving ourselves a “Gold Heart” it means standing by our values and treating ourselves with as much kindness, patience, compassion and understanding we would have for our best friend, our favorite teacher or our favorite relative. Know when to say NO with a “Gold Heart” is an important skill to learn. Choosing self-respect builds powerful Self Esteem.
Decision making – “What do I choose for me?” “Charlie chooses Charlie” when our kids are born we make 100% of the decisions for them. By the time, they leave home they need to be able to make good decisions for themselves. This skill teaches children the tools they can use to make good decisions and provides a platform for them to decide about many important issues.
Peer Pressure- “Choosing me” “Copycat Cathy” – knowing what we stand for choosing what we want for ourselves and knowing how to say “NO” to peer pressure and choosing “Yes” for ourselves is critical for standing against negative peer pressure.
In the workshops your child will experience powerful stories where kids don’t feel lectured. They easily relate to the characters and the lessons the characters go through, as well as the practical skills they can practice to become the best version of themselves.
They receive a work book and a 5-minute work sheet to keep practicing at home.
They receive a take home sheet so that you “THE PARENT” can continue the conversation at home.
We also do a different kinesthetic activity for each skill (they love that)
“I provide all the materials, a bound work book, visuals and all material for each activity we do one for each skill, all your child needs is a journal book …. Any kind.