It all started around this time two years ago. I attracted the help of Mary into my life, which I now know was, by means of the magic of the universe.
I was a slave to festering anger, fear, resentment, revenge, worthlessness and guilt – just to name a few. As Mary and I sat down to practice the first principles of NLP therapy, I felt that there were dark corners of my ego-mind, body and spirit that could not be penetrated or overturned after so many years of harboring them. With Mary’s navigational light, however, relief started immediately.
In the days that followed, it was still difficult to break the strong ego-bondage state and the habit of self-defeating beliefs and lies entrenched in my mind. Even so, Mary provided the guiding tools to help me advance from moment to moment, and, unbeknown to me, what she had done using therapy during the first few sessions, had already set the universe in motion where orchestration of positive outcomes had already begun.
Inner conflict therapy was one of the major break-through sessions for me, and that’s when I could see an increase in changes occur in my life. I learned that it was all taking place on a timeless, subconscious level and that I was the only one who held the power of choice of surrendering to it. Soon, one after the other, I could see the manifestation of enlightening results; relationships with work colleagues became professional, relationships with family members became a choice, the relationship with my immediate environment and those entering and exiting it, became a nourishing, spiritual cocoon and my relationship with ‘self’ became a free-flowing energy that synchronized with universal vibrations.
Now, regular meditations, conscious decisions, living purposefully and creating my own reality helps me grow more every day and ascend into my light body and higher self. Mary was the catalyst. She has been my spiritual guide and life coach, and I am now able to spread light too. I am eternally grateful. It is my daily desire to apply the skills necessary for living as a vessel of energy, possessing the power to nourish and be nourished by the universe, which is ultimately an endless source of potentiality and love.
Jeannine Harris